The Evolving Office: Work Holidays Without End

By Ooi Shinz Jo, Liani MK

February 2023 FEATURE
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Photos by Arieff ZafirWHEN VACATIONING IN New Zealand, Farizan Sulaiman and Awatif Ismail, who were self-employed, found themselves, yet again, furiously tapping on their laptops, attending Zoom meetings and then—enthusiastically scouring for convenient, short-term offices to work in.“We needed quick access to the Internet,” Awatif addresses our quizzical look, convinced that work-holiday arrangements are increasingly a norm. “At the coworking spaces we visited, we realised that other people were doing the same. They were working while travelling, and they, too,...

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Ooi Shinz Jo

has the three S's: being a student, having a sweet tooth, and enjoying the beautiful seashores Penang has to offer.

Liani MK

is an independent writer, journalist and artist whose works span areas of language, film, culture, indigeneity and migration in Southeast Asia.
