Reverse Culture Shock: A Tale of Two Homes, Penang and York

By Cheah Mi Chelle

March 2024 FEATURE
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The beautiful York Minster against the bright blue sky.
“IT’S GOOD THAT you’re back, it’s better to be home,” my grandmother said, as I told her about my time in the UK.Her words came from a place of love, after not seeing me for years. However, hearing them gave me a nagging feeling—I am back in the warm heart of Malaysia, to home-cooked meals, freshly sliced fruits and familiar sights, sounds and people; yet I feel out of place.A cosy Christmas celebration with housemates in 2021, complete with a...

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Cheah Mi Chelle

is a copywriter and a Bachelor’s and Master's graduate in English and Related Literature. A huge fan of sentient robot fiction, she loves volunteering with children and is interested in various topics such as the study of emotions, embodiment, and the relationship between image and text, particularly in comics and graphic novels.
