The Decade-old GTLF Migrates Online During Covid-19

By William Tham

November 2020 FEATURE
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Photo: GTLF facebook
THE INITIAL PLANS for the 2020 George Town Literary Festival (GTLF) were for it to be celebratory – to look back on 10 years of work, while also looking forward. But now, on the other side of the looking glass, the festival takes place in a world still many months away from a Covid-19 vaccine.With the CMCO extended virtually nationwide, the idea of still having a literary festival seems extraordinary. But the event is in steady hands. Last year’s festival...

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William Tham

has been published in NANG, PR&TA, The Best of World SF: Volume 2, and the Southeast Asian Review of English. He co-edited The Second Link: An Anthology of Malaysian and Singaporean Writing.
