The Troubled Malaysian Book Trade and its Possible Recovery

By William Tham

August 2020 FEATURE
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2020 WAS SUPPOSED to be a robust year for the Malaysian book trade, but that is not to be. The Kuala Lumpur International Book Fair (KLIBF) was postponed by several months as Covid-19 cases mounted. Just a week after the announcement, events that were scheduled to commemorate KL’s designation as UNESCO’s World Book Capital were halted by the Movement Control Order (MCO)2.Malaysia’s book trade is an ecosystem that depends on the interaction of each of its individual components. At first...

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William Tham

has been published in NANG, PR&TA, The Best of World SF: Volume 2, and the Southeast Asian Review of English. He co-edited The Second Link: An Anthology of Malaysian and Singaporean Writing.
